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Fire and Smoke Damage

fire damage
Fire awareness is one of the top things to ensure your family’s safety. Knowing how to protect your family before a fire also means knowing what can happen if a fire does burn your home. Not all things that burn are cleaned up the same way.
Protein Fire

  • Food from the oven or stove has burned, leaving strong burnt food odors and smoke residue on contents and surfaces.

Complex Fire

  • Multiple natural and synthetic items inside your home have burned causing black smoke residue on contents and surfaces and synthetic smoke odors. Here, emergency corrosion mitigation is needed to protect at-risk surfaces.

Natural Fire

  • Trees, shrubs and bushes have burned and smoke has penetrated the structure from outside, so smoke residue and odor are present.

Furnace Malfunction

  • Heating appliances such as oil-fired furnaces have malfunctioned and caused smoke to be distributed throughout the property.

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Amy Tomion

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